Update #8


Yesterday the doctor decided to give Tobias some blood based on what one of his numbers came back on his blood gas. Which that is normally great and he oxygenates much better. They also decided that they were going to try to wean some of his pressure medicine just slightly so he hopefully wouldn’t notice. (His body is very sensitive and notices about everything) Well he slowly started going back up on his oxygen requirements. They decided to go back up on his blood pressure medicine to get on top of it and they even went a little higher than it was before to hopefully bring him back to normal quicker. Well when they went to do his cares a 8:30 last night he was already on 100% oxygen (so no wiggle room if he has a moment). After his cares he wouldn’t bring his oxygen back up, so his nurse decided she was going to tuck him in a little better because that normally does the trick. Tobias is very particular and will tell us if he doesn’t like some by dropping his oxygen. He still would not come back up. So the respiratory therapist came in and listened to him and suctioned him out because he sounded like he had a lot of gunk in his lungs. He still wouldn’t come up. He just kept slowly getting worse. They took him off the ventilator and started manually breathing for him and they couldn’t get his oxygen up. He was getting very blue looking at this point. The doctor came in and tried seeing about making him more comfortable and raising his pain medicines and then switching his ventilator back to the oscillator. Nolan and I have been with him all night and his oxygen is better than what it was but it’s still not great. He’s still requiring 100% oxygen and is paralyzed again. They are running test to be on the safe side if there is any infection but they don’t think there is. Please pray for Tobias as he is struggling and really needs it.


Update #9


Update #7