Emily Update #3
Update on Tobias
I can’t believe that my son is officially one week old. He is definitely full of personality and very feisty. Anything he can get his hands on he will try to pull out including his oxygen tube and feeding tube. He has lost .6 of an ounce. Tonight they are adding an additive into his milk to give him some extra calories. One thing I’ve learned that until Tobias hits a certain weight he doesn’t have a butt or a butt crack. Yesterday he got his tubes taken out of his belly button and his picc line put in his head. The picc line is like an iv. They normally put it in either his head, arm, or leg. With him pulling on anything he can get his hands on they decided his head would be the best option. They did an ultrasound of his head this morning because babies this premature are at higher risk of getting a brain bleed within the first week. Thankfully his ultrasound came back great and there was no brain bleeds. Since Tobias got the lines out of his belly button he was able to do tummy time for the first time today. He absolutely loved it.
Even though he was having a great week, we had a very scary day today. He was trying to fight the ventilator and trying to breathe on his own. This was causing his cO2 to rise. The doctors had to make some adjustments to his ventilator and they sedated him. They were able to get it come back down from 113 to 66. It’s still not ideal but definitely much better. They are going to monitor him very closely and if it goes back up again they are going to switch the type of ventilator that he’s on. So please pray that his cO2 continues to come down and that the ventilator can do what it’s supposed to do.